The technical transfer of a product formulation can be a complex process that requires substantial resources, technical know-how, and the skills to overcome technical and organizational challenges.

PakLab has decades of experience with replicating customer developed/owned formulas through our contract manufacturing services. We have the personnel, facilities, manufacturing capabilities and resources to successfully navigate this challenging process so the quality and composition of your product is preserved at every step.

A Complete Technical Transfer Package

The PakLab process begins with a plan that utilizes your process description, ingredient list, analytical methods and equipment details, so we are able to accurately formulate your product.

When its time to begin production our process will follow your instructions and fulfill your manufacturing requirements. Quality controls, full documentation and other safeguards are employed throughout the transfer to assure your formula is produced in a manner that is safe and consistent with your manufacturing standard.

Clear communication is important at every stage of ownership transfer, so you’ll never be uncertain about the success of your objective.

A Trusted Partner

Whether you are pursuing technical transfer for product life cycle management, the need for additional manufacturing capacity, or with another need in mind, PakLab is ready to serve as your trusted partner to ensure a safe and smooth process.

R&D Formula Development

Contract Manufacturing for Packettes and Sampling

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